
Linggo, Hulyo 15, 2012

You're bad for me I clearly get it…

“You're just like poison
Slowly moving through my system
Breaking all of my defenses with time
You're just like poison and I just don't get it
How can something so deadly feel so right?"
- Poison by Beyonce

People say that music is the universal language. Hence, I reckon that I could relate a song to toxicology to for easier understanding.
When I was researching about toxicology, I came across with a song by Beyonce called “Poison”.

Probably you’re not that familiar with this song since it was not quite a hit like her other songs “Single Ladies” or “Run the World (Girls)”.

In the aforesaid song, it says that poison is dreadful substance that goes through the system which breaks defenses of the body.

Poison or toxins can enter through the body system trough inhalation, ingestion, or transdermal absorption.

[click here to view the image above]

It is important for us to know what toxicology is. You don't want to end up eating your "poison apple" like Snow White. Unless, Prince Charming would come to the rescue!

Toxicology is a study of the adverse effect substances or chemicals that inflicts harm or danger to the systems of human or living organisms. This substances or chemicals could be poisonous or toxic in nature.

The History of Toxicology started since time immemorial. The first person attributed to Toxicology was Shen Nung, the father of Chinese medicine who died of toxic overdose (2696 BCE). Through the years, there have been various milestones attributed to this field.

[click here to view the image as pdf]


According to Bishop, M. et al, there are four major disciplines in Toxicology:

  1. Mechanistic Toxicology – studies the cellular and biochemical effects of toxins

  2. 2. Descriptive Toxicology – determines the level of exposure of substances or chemicals that can harm humans by experimenting animals

    3.       Forensic Toxicology – for medicolegal purpose, especially when identifying the cause of death by examining toxin exposure

    4.       Clinical Toxicology – studies the association of exposure to toxins and diseases for diagnosis and also prevention or curative intervention

     Examples of Toxic Substances

    1. Alcohol

    - ethanol

    2. Carbon monoxide

    [click here to read an article about carbon monoxide poisoning]

    3. Cyanide

    [click here to read an article about cyanide death]

    4. Metals and  Metalloids

    - lead
    [click here to read more]

    - mercury
    [click here to read more]

    - cadmium

    - arsenic

    5. Pesticides

    "All substances are poisons: there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy."

     - Paracelsus


    Society of Toxicology
    News Medical - What is Toxicology?
    'Health, Environment & Work' (HE&W)
    General Principles of Toxicology
    Bishop, M. et al, Clinical Chemistry Techniques, Principles, Correlations, 6th Edition